Jane Caoagdan 08-08-2021


Yes, you heard it right! They are two completely different terms. Although, we usually tend to interchange them with one other. They are basically the yin and yang for the overall look, feel, interactivity, and usability of a new website being developed.

Let’s break it down.

UX is User Experience

UX design refers to user experience design. Though this term falls under “design” classification, it truly is situated in the “functionality” department. Simply put, UX design is at the core of the process that helps in providing seamless user experience for the people who use a website. The UX design team must make the user experience as pleasant and simple as possible. For this to work, they must know the true journey for those people who will use the website.

The UX design team working on a custom website or a digital product will focus on functionality, usability, and user adaptability. Moreover, UX designers also need to bridge the connection between business goals of the website/product and their functionality. Website development may go through several iterations depending on the customer analysis or content development. And if the product strategy changes, so must the user experience. Every iteration will go through testing and refinement.


UX Design usually includes the following:

• Wireframing

• Prototyping

• Testing

• Iteration Cycles

• Development Planning

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UI is User Interface

UI design refers to user interface design and is also called user interface engineering. It is the design of user interfaces that focuses on maximizing usability (along with user experience). UI design can include display screens, a mouse, a keyboard, and the appearance of a desktop. It is the “skin” of a website. UI design teams work on all areas where users directly interact with the product.

User interface design contains the elements of graphics design: typography, color palette, layout, and brand identity which all influence how the user performs certain interactions on a device and essentially improves the aesthetic appeal of the design. Design aesthetics are important because they enhance or reduce the ability of the users to use the website’s functions. The design process must balance visual elements and technical functionality to create a system that is operational, usable, and adaptable to changing user needs.

In conclusion, UI is the product’s graphic and visual presentation. It appeals to users’ senses by engaging the reactivity and interactivity in response to a user’s input or different display environments. Lastly, UI is about makeup: the product’s navigation, guides, and hints that visually lead users through their experience.

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UI Design usually includes the following

• Customer Analysis

• Design Research

• Graphics and Branding Development

• User Guides/Storyline

• Prototyping

• Interactivity and Animation

• All Device Screen Sizes Adaptability

• Implementation with Developer

The most important element of a website is user experience and interface — which is often overlooked.

But if this gets worked at and done right from the very beginning, then costly mistakes are going to be avoided along the way. Moreover, there are many people who tend to work on templates for many reasons, but the customer journey tailored to their business would not be achieved through this. By understanding the need of your target audience and their market preference, making the website interactive and more engaging is possible through UX and UI design.